About tracking your songs live in the studio with a full band…

There was a commenter in this blog that said, not all drummers and musicians who play other instruments, will not want to play your songs live in the studio. You know, just go in the studio, plug in your instruments, and record the song in one take, all the way through without stopping. You see, this is where I disagree with this guy.

You can find plenty drummers and other musicians that are willing to play live in one take in the studio. Believe me, there’s plenty of talented musicians out there that can play everything and anything. Those are the kind of musicians that I would prefer to work with ’cause if you listen to my songs, I like to jam out and improvise. I like to wing stuff out as soon as the record button hits, that’s how I always wrote and recorded songs.

There will be musicians willing to play live in a studio instead of tracking separately at a time. You just need to find the right musicians and why you need to audition. There’s going to flubs (as another word for mistakes), yes, but that’s why it’s called, “live”. That acoustic demo I did in 2006, that ten song demo was recorded in one take, all in one day. Yes, there were a few little mistakes and flubs, but that’s okay. That’s the fun part of playing live.

There are plenty of bands that record their albums in the studio live. Just rehearse the songs good enough before recording them in the studio and it can be done very successfully. You don’t need to be a perfectionist in music. Just play and enjoy.


4 thoughts on “About tracking your songs live in the studio with a full band…”

  1. Kev,

    I don’t see why you are saying you don’t “agree” with me. Agreeing or disagreeing implies there was an argument or debate, and there wasn’t one. I was just trying to give you a heads up on the way that a lot of studios and musicians that I have encountered want to approach recording. In fact, when the drummer I got for my project wanted me to record to a click and then do the drums, I asked John from Albany Audio about it. He was the one who said it is easier to record to a click and then come in with the drummer so you can talk them through it, so it isn’t just musicians…it’s the people in the studio as well.

    If you have an actual band that has rehearsed all these songs together forever, then fine…record live, but not everyone sees it that way. All I was trying to do was tell you to keep an open mind to recording in ways other than that.

    1. I understand Steve, but like I said, there are plenty of musicians that are willing to play live. You just need to find the right musicians that are willing to. That’s why you need to audition musicians to see if they can do it. You can record albums how ever you want to. I still disagree with you. Sorry.


  2. How can you disagree when someone isn’t even arguing with you? This is a statement of fact: a lot of studio people out there want to record the way I described. This isn’t me saying “it is the only way.” I am just telling you to be prepared to encounter the attitude I described above on a frequent basis. Hell, I even know bands that have been together for years who STILL do the “piece by piece” thing. But again, that is all beside the point. You keep saying “I disagree” when this isn’t a debate…it is a statement of facts. People DO have this approach to recording; there is no debating that.

    1. I’m just stating the facts too. All studios and drummers are different, dude, they’re entitled to their own views when it comes to timing and tracking. As I’ve repeatedly said before, you just need to find the right people to work with that are willing to record live in the studio. Just because you had experience with recording who don’t do it live, does not mean everyone else will record that way. There are plenty of bands that recorded albums live. I’ve just heard stories that the Lawn Sausages recorded their stuff live in the studio. The Erotics just did a live recording at Don Fury Studios not too long ago. Bands do this stuff all the time in studios.

      I know not all musicians want to record live and they prefer the “piece by piece” thing, but there are also plenty of musicians that want to play live too.

      It’s just my opinion that I find it kind of boring recording piece by piece, when it’s more fun rocking out.


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