Just saw “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” earlier today and it was freakin’ amazing!!! Don’t listen to the negative reviews!!!

When “SW: The Force Awakens” came out, people complained and whined about the movie being very similar to “Episode IV: A New Hope”. Then “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” comes out, that movie is not similar to the original trilogy at all and people are still complaining and whining. People are complaining and whining about “SW: The Last Jedi” like crazy, but I’m not gonna let the negative opinions bother me because it’s just that. Negative opinions. People complaining about Star Wars movies is nothing new ’cause so-called Star Wars fans have been complaining about everything that Lucasfilm puts out anyways so let them complain. They complained about the original trilogy re-releases and they complained about the prequels too. You can’t make everyone happy and that’s all there is to it.

I went and saw the movie for myself earlier this afternoon and I thought “The Last Jedi” was freakin’ amazing! The new trilogy seems to be getting better every film. A lot of people have been complaining that the “Last Jedi” was too childish, but if they call themselves a real Star Wars fan… the Star Wars films have always been for children since the very first film, “Episode IV: a New Hope”. George Lucas always had childish humor in the original trilogy and the prequels. Rian Johnson clearly wanted this film “The Last Jedi” as to how George Lucas wanted to make it a little bit.

In my opinion, I didn’t see anything wrong with the movie. I loved pretty much everything about it. Trying not to reveal spoilers, people are complaining about the Finn/Rose storyline but I didn’t see anything wrong with that either. The film wanted to give something for everybody. Why would the film want to focus on one character throughout the film? The film needed different characters and different storylines which the film did just that. Lucas did something similar with the original trilogy and the prequels. George Lucas switched from one storyline to another all in the same film like in “Return of the Jedi” for example like how Han, Leia and Chewy were on Endor while Lando was out in space in the Millennium Falcon to blow up the Death Star. Where were all the complainers then? It was the same for “Empire Strikes Back” when Luke was busy fighting Darth on Cloud City while Lando tries to escape with Leia and Chewy as they make their way back to the Falcon. Remember those? In a way, Rian Johnson clearly wanted “The Last Jedi” to be a homage to the original trilogy a little bit.

The whole point of Star Wars is “war” and I felt like a war was going on in “The Last Jedi” for sure. To me this is a true Star Wars movie. The series is moving forward and evolving so deal with it. Han Solo, Luke and Leia were the original trio of the series… it looks like Disney/Lucasfilm wants to move on with Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron being the new trio.

“The Last Jedi” was action packed, it was funny too and there are some interesting twists and turns in the script. There will be a few shockers in the new film so I won’t reveal any big spoilers at all. Disney/Lucasfilm just wants a nice closure for Han, Leia and Luke and wants to pass the torch to new main characters. That’s the goal with these movies, I think.

When they finish with the new trilogy will there be an episode 10, 11 and 12? Absolutely! I think they’ll keep going with Rey, Finn and Poe being the main characters ’cause they will be a lot older when 10 comes around. They’re going to keep going with the original series for sure. They will also continue to make all of these spin off movies too.

“The Last Jedi” was phenomenal. Don’t listen to the crybabies who whine about this film. Just go see it and enjoy! I think people take movies way too seriously, ya know? It’s just a movie! That’s all they are!



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