Tag Archives: Border Security

Once again, Donald Trump tells the truth about Mexican criminal aliens, the truth hurts doesn’t it???

This is just another reason that the Donald is getting my vote. He’s not afraid to tell the truth and if you’re offended, then the truth hurts doesn’t it?

Check these articles out:

Illegal Immigration: Drugs, Gangs and Crime






Yep, these are the kinds of people that Obama wants to give Obamacare, new jobs and other freebies to. Obama wants to make their lives better than ours… how is that fair? Illegal aliens aren’t normal people y’all. This is how Obama wants to destroy America, it’s part of it. I so agree with Trump all the way and it makes me like him even more.


Donald Trump gets fired for telling the truth, yet Brian Williams still works at NBC for lying, wtf???

So let me get this straight… Donald Trump gets fired by NBC for telling the truth about something that no one else would and Brian Williams still works at NBC for lying. Liberals get mad at the Donald for speaking truth but yet, liberals defended Brian Williams for lying. Can you see the liberal bias in all of this?

Brian Williams didn’t get a termination from NBC… all he got was a suspension and NBC allowed him to work behind the scenes instead of in front of the camera. Do I take it that lying is more acceptable in America than people telling the truth? That’s the way it seems to be going in America lately. America gives liars a free pass but truth tellers get so much shit. Welcome to the new, America.

What if Hillary or Bernie Sanders said the same thing Donald Trump said about Mexicans at the border? If Hillary or Bernie brought it up, libtards would be like, “Oh, I agree with them. They are so wonderful for bringing that to our attention”. *sigh*


I’m praying and hoping the House destroys “Immigration Reform” and not let it pass…

Usually, new bills are introduced to the House first. Then it gets passed along to the Senate  if it’s passed through the House. This time things are a little different and it’s the other way around. This bill was started by Senators by people who are known as the Gang of 8.  8 people from the Senate. In this group has a mix of democrats and republicans who are all for this bill started by them. The bill passed 68 – 32.

I’m no expert on law and I don’t have much in studying for it yet but I’ll have to say that “Immigration Reform” is horrible for a lot of reasons. A few big ones are: 1) Their border security ideas are absolutely horrible 2) We’ll be paying for it 3) This will worsen our economy 4) We can’t be awarding illegal aliens citizenship especially after all the gun violence going on in America 5) This is even more complex than Obamacare.

As you can see President Obama is pretty desperate to get this law passed to him so he can sign it into law officially. I really hope the House vote “Nay”. Although, it wouldn’t surprise me that it would get passed anyway. Not only democrats are all for this bill, there are a lot of Republicans in the Senate who voted for “Immigration Reform”. So I feel that Republicans who voted for this are traitors of America.

See? The government is full of evil and shady people — that includes the House and the Senate. Especially Marco Rubio — that guy is such a lying scum bag. He should be happy that he got his law passed through the Senate ’cause I believe this whole thing was his idea. He had the other 7 people in the gang of eight help him with it.

If this bill is passed in the House, then the United States of America will be doomed for good. That’s all President Obama wants to do to us is to destroy this country. If you honestly believe he wants to help us, then you’re delusional.
