Tag Archives: The White House

This may seem shocking to y’all but I might get off the Trump Train, been disliking Donald Trump more and more… what’s going on?

Donald Trump is back to running for president but I haven’t been liking how he’s been lately. I’m thinking and considering getting off the Trump Train. I know some of you will be shocked and I know some of you Trump haters will commend me for it but make no mistake about it, I’m still a pretty conservative guy but I’ve been liking Ron Desantis more to be honest. So if Ron decides to run for this election, I’d probably switch to him.

More on this another time.


Thoughts on Biden’s first SOTU last night, yes I did watch it…

I haven’t watched a single Biden speech ever since he got elected president ’cause I wouldn’t want to waste my time. I hear from social media that Biden is not that great at giving speeches, though and when I watched Biden’s speech last night, I was like “MY god, this guy is horrible at reading off a teleprompter”. Obama was pretty bad at teleprompter reading too but Biden is ten times worse. Yeah, when Trump was president, he is totally capable of doing speeches without teleprompters but Trump does use teleprompters when he had to and when he had to use a teleprompter he was a better reader than most.

Anyway, Biden messed up his speech reading like mad, it was funny to see actually… and it definitely seemed like he rushed it. Speaking very fast as if he was a in a hurry to get it over with.

Onward, it is interesting that Democrats are ending “most” covid protocols and rules especially before a Biden SOTU and the mid-terms and no surprise to see Biden claiming “victorious” of ending covid. Like they all say “the science didn’t change, politics change”. Which is true. Now Democrats wants to act like Covid is over all of a sudden, yet covid is still raging… people are getting it like crazy still, ya know?

It’s also funny that Biden wants to fund the police and not defund. That’s another WTF? Democrats are now acting like they haven’t done all they can to destroy the reputation of our police? Democrats and the hardcore left did all they could to make them look like bad guys and racist cops… putting body cams on them and trying to disarm them, now Biden wants to act like none of that happened and wants to give cops more money? Hey Joe, how about giving the police an apology and giving them more freedom would be a great start.

Why are they going off about lowering drug prices when food and gas prices are so high in America right now?

Most of that speech was a joke really. As for my thoughts on Vladimir Putin attacking Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is a madman and Biden is of course, really weak. If Russia attack Ukraine happened under Trump… Trump would have responded a lot tougher. Putin is evil and should be removed from the Russian presidency and he should be locked up. Why didn’t Biden say that? A Russia attack Ukraine wouldn’t have happened under Trump anyways ’cause Trump and Putin got together for peace talks a number of times and Biden never did that so…

Biden missed so many important talking points though. Anyway, fuck Biden, he’s just a puppet and he’s only doing/saying what he’s told.

That SOTU was terribly boring, though… even a die-hard Democrat would have to admit that. I don’t think I’ll watch another one ever again, though.


Hilarious seeing all the liberals crying about Joe Rogan like the saying goes, “if you don’t like it then don’t listen to it”… problem solved???

Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Joe Rogan said this and said that…. Waaaahhhhhhhhhhh…. he should be off of spotify simply because he has his own opinions and viewpoints than the left.

Bunch of crybabies like always.

And anyway how is Joe spreading misinformation? Is there any proof of that ’cause I haven’t seen any.

Neil Young is a good musician and good songwriter, I’m a fan too but I do think his politics and “save the earth” advocacy is annoying. It is funny that Neil goes around acting like such a “science” expert when he has a classic car collection that runs on gas at his ranch. Neil better be careful about being a “science” and “health” expert.


Conservatives in America getting hated on for political views is getting tiresome… that’s what the mainstream media and big tech wants, though…

Conservatives getting attacked by lefties for their political views is nothing new… as it has been a problem for decades but that’s now 10 x’s much worse than ever before. Like the title of this blog says though, that’s what the mainstream media and big tech wants, though… it’s their goal to make “conservatives” seem like they’re the bad guys.

I’m a proud die-hard conservative myself and I’m not afraid to publicly express that. Yes, I get attacked for my political views all the time. I’ve had lefties refusing to add me in social media ’cause of it and there are other musicians that refuse to talk to me ’cause of it too. That’s okay, though. I’m proud to be “conservative” and I’m not changing for anyone. Fuck everyone if they don’t like the way I think.

Lately, more and more I’ve been staying away from talking “politics” on my social media. Why? Simply because getting attacked by lefties it’s getting tiresome and boring. It seems to me that lefties follow everything the media says which is why they are called “sheep”… follow the media like sheep. They believe what they say and they seem to follow the same ideas/opinions by Democrat political leaders too.

If you want to have a different opinion than the left then be prepared for a major backlash and get ready to be attacked, ridiculed, made fun of… I can go on. It seems like every time a “right-wing” person wants to post an opinion about something, they almost “always” get offended by the left nowadays and it’s gotten 10 x’s much worse today.

You want to be all for 2nd Amendment and support gun rights (backlash), you want to be against abortion (backlash), you want to have an opinion on lgbtq community (backlash), you want to be against movements like BLM and things like that (again, backlash)… ok I think you get my point…

Now this has gotten much worse under “covid” and the pandemic. You want to be against the vaccine and refuse to wear a mask, once again… backlash.

Pretty much any thought and opinion you have that is different than the left prepared to get your reputation and your life destroyed. We should have the right to speak on anything we please and the way we want to do it but we’re losing that freedom more and more. We have to watch what we say now when we shouldn’t have to.

If you want to post an article or meme that is “right-wing” you’ll either get those fact-checked things or worse get sent to social media jail meaning getting “suspended” either temporarily or permanently.

The mainstream media and big tech doing all they can to make conservatives look bad and they’re doing a very good job of it too.

Look, I’m not saying that all “conservatives” are the good guys ’cause even some of their views and opinions piss me the fuck off despite my own hardcore “right-wing” views. The “conservative” community can be just as divided.

I’m not saying that the left aren’t allowed to have their own opinions and views ’cause they totally are. What I’m saying is that “everybody” in America is welcome to have our own opinions and thoughts ’cause this is America ya know?

All this censorship in social media lately is just unreal, though, I’ve never seen anything like it. I stopped debating politics against lefties ’cause man, lefties are getting so aggressive and hateful nowadays. The media is teaching the left to go after the “right” for having “controversial” and different opinions.

When Trump was president, he did his best to unite both sides which is really hard to do. One day, we’ll unite and stop this “right” vs. “left” crap ’cause we don’t need this and this “right vs. left” thing is getting worse under Biden for sure.

Scary what we’re seeing… ugggghhh…


Keeping masks on Children is really evil…. really, wake up…

While it may be exciting news that Cuomo finally opened up NY but it’s not completely free… yet… we still have this dumb “vaccinated = no mask” and “unvaccinated = masked” policy. Also, the CDC and Cuomo are still forcing children to wear masks in schools which is disgusting.

Lefties claim to be disgusted at children being kept in cages but they don’t say a thing about children being forced to wear masks. Masking up children is probably the most evil thing the CDC and left-wing governors could do. Ya kow, little children aren’t human lab rats and they’re being treated exactly that. It’s unfair and wrong.

Masking children is not healthy for them. Plus they don’t understand any of this of why they have to do what they have to do. They need to breathe… lefties probably hate children being masked but they don’t do anything about it. Lefties are just doing everything the CDC, the news media and their left-wing governors say.

Masks on children is very dangerous especially for children with that age, ya know?

As long as unvaccinated people are still masked up and children are still masked, we are not really a free state yet. Sorry, we’re really not. They say we’re getting back to normal but this isn’t back to normal. Getting back to normal is getting our freedom back 100%.

The CDC and governors don’t want to lift all restrictions and protocols ’cause they don’t want to lose their power. They’re obsessed and addicted to power. The more you comply, the worse they get.

Our country has gone completely batshit crazy and insane. What’s going on?

With that being said, I’m not getting vaccinated. It’s funny as hell ya know. People rushing to get fully vaccinated just so they can remove the mask, well I’m reading a lot of posts on FB of people experiencing some dangerous side effects after their 1st and 2nd shots. Their 2nd shots get much worse. They wonder why some of us are “anti-vaxxers”?

Scary stuff we’re seeing, I tell ya and it’s gonna get a lot worse.


Black Lives Matter won’t be going away, sit tight…

Like most, I am getting tired of Black Lives Matter and this awful movement isn’t gonna go away anytime soon. The Chauvin verdict was no surprise but Black Lives Matter sticking around is no surprise either. These are the kind of people they are.

The thing is, those who participate think they’re doing something “positive” and “heroic” but there is nothing “positive” and “heroic” about being part of this BLM thing. This stuff is not my thing and I’m staying out of all of it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love african/American and dark skinned people… in fact, I love people of all types. It don’t matter to me. If you need a color to debate “race” which is a tiresome and boring topic then you’re the true racist. BLM doesn’t fight against racism at all… it’s just here to divide and conquer. I don’t like this movement and never did. It is also here to make you Anti-American. It spreads an anti-American message and nothing more.

To me it’s just here to disrupt peace and spread even more negativity and drama. I understand it’s mission that they think the police kills dark skinned people but it’s not true at all. Not all cops are evil and yes, there’s a few bad apples in the police force but most police are good people. If cops are giving you problems then behave, don’t break the law and then maybe they’ll leave you alone, hmmm??? I’m 44 years old and have been well behaved my whole life. Never been arrested, never got ticketed for anything and cops never really gave me shit. Don’t be a trouble maker and you won’t have to deal with them at all.

Yet, all I’m seeing here is the police force being disrespected and watered down. Getting so much hate and people treating them like bad guys when they don’t deserve that at all. Cops losing their freedoms with body cams and all that garbage. I’m sure right now that more and more people are refusing to become a cop nowadays and I’m hearing somewhere that cops quit their jobs ’cause it’s getting so bad.

Yeah, I support the cops and am the “Back the Blue” and “All Lives Matter” type and don’t care if my stance on all this offends people. Of course, this BLM thing will get worse under Biden as president, I predicted it would be.


It’s real scary that people continue to pass off like vaccines are a good thing and continues to claim they protect you…

This has been a problem for years… people passing off vaccines like they are a good thing. Continuing to make claims that sticking a needle in you is what everyone needs. Yup, you gotta take a vaccine to make yourself and others safe. Forcing you to take a vaccine, not knowing what’s in it.

They tried to force the flu vaccine on us and since that isn’t working, they are trying something else. Nobody cares about the flu anymore, remember that? It suddenly disappears like magic. It probably gets some thinking these virus’s like the flu, covid, etc. are all probably man-made… virus’s created by people. The flu is suddenly gone and say hello to covid.

The vaccine and needles isn’t for everyone. You need to think about that. People have died taking the vaccine in the past and under covid, people continue to die taking the covid vaccine too. People get sick taking needles as well… vaccines and needles aren’t safe for everyone.

I’ll never forget the day when I was at the doctor’s office one day, the doctor was trying to get me to take the flu vaccine and I said no at first and he immediately got defensive and talked me into it.

What is it with this country’s obsession with vaccines? With that being said, I don’t trust vaccines myself. I’ll probably never take the covid vaccine myself. If NY State forces you to get the vaccine and will only allow you in businesses if you have 100% proof that your fully vaccinated, I still won’t do it. Not under a Biden vaccine, no freakin’ way. If I’m not allowed in businesses ’cause I’m not vaccinated so be it. I can find other ways to live life and be happy my own way.

Remember that? How about living life the way we want to? That’s what the CDC, the Media and Democrats are trying to do. Take your freedoms away. They don’t want you to live your life the way you want to. That’s the reason for all this control and bullying.

It is not healthy to live in fear all the time and we’re tired of it. The world has gone completely insane for sure.


Is this “I’m oFfended” Crap getting out of hand? Yes, who cares if you’re offended, nobody gives a shit…

First Gina Carano, then Mr. Potato Head, then Dr. Suess and now Pepe Lepew… I’m sure lefties will find something to cancel. All this leftist “cancel” stuff is getting out of hand and I’m tired of it. I believe that is the goal of the liberal left is that they want to pussify America. All this “cancel” stuff has been a problem for years like when Roseanne Barr got fired off her own show for making a joke of the “Planet of the Apes” movie to a leftist politician.

I think “getting offended” is stupid. I’m never offended at anything, really I’m not. I never get offended at anything ’cause “I’m offended” is for the weak.

The left have no right to say that they’re offended at some things when they do and say the most offensive shit themselves. Cardi B drops the “Wet Ass Pussy” song and she not cancelled. Kathy Griffin does the severed Donald Trump head and she gets a pass for that. I can go on and on about the leftist double standard.

Conservatives get banned off of social media but lefties don’t get any social media jail time for cyberbullying Trump supporters and conservatives. It’s all messed up.

Gina Carano gets fired off “The Mandalorian” just for having some opinions on things but rapper Chris Brown still has a music career after beating up Rihanna.

The left needs to go away and shut up.

We really are in an era where “everyone gets offended at everything” nowadays. We gotta watch what we say every time we open our mouths and I’m tired of it. No matter what you say, good or bad someone will always get offended at something.

It’s all bullshit really. Crazy as hell world we live in. Ugggghh, it’s safe to say now that people fucking suck… there I said it.


So glad Trump brought up the Transgenders in sports thing… Best thing he said at CPAC!!!

Yes, I’ve just watched the Trump CPAC speech yesterday evening. His first speech since the losing the rigged election and leaving office of the presidency. As usual, Trump killed it and it was his best speech ever… but I think the best thing he said was that he slammed the idea of transgender women in sports. Everything he said about that was so true. “Biological” males in women’s sports dominating everything, how fair is that? Think about that right? What if you see some full grown man in a woman’s sports uniform in girls basketball this “man” doing the most slam dunks than every girl in that sport? How fair would that be? How fair would it be if in Olympics swimming a transgender winning the most swim races than all the other girls? In powerlifting, what if you see a Transgender woman (biological male) dominating the most weights in powerlifting? Ugggghhhh…. it’s so wrong and it can’t happen in America.

I’m somewhat of a competitive powerlifter, I guess and if I were to do a powerlifting meet with a transgender woman in it then I’m out. If that was allowed in powerlifting competition, I’d probably quit powerlifting.

Right about now, I’m sure the fake news media and leftist haters are calling Trump “transphobic” but whatever… he’s so right to call ’em “biological males” ’cause that’s what they are. Call ’em exactly what they are. Don’t call him “her/she”, call him the exact sex they were born from. It’s not transphobic, it’s the truth.

Anyhow, this “transgender” thing is getting way out of hand. This is not what we should be teaching our children in America. More and more people and full grown adults are transitioning and coming “out” nowadays and it’s disgusting to see all this. What is going on?

You can’t just put on a dress, wear a bunch of make-up and try to speak like a woman and call yourself a woman… as long as you have a dick still then you’re still a man. Period. The same goes for women who transition into men as long as they still have female private parts, they are are still a woman.

We were forced to accept the gay lifestyle and gay marriage, now they’re ramming “transgender” lifestyle down our throats.

I don’t care if you’re gay or bi, don’t care either way but the transgender thing scares me. It’s not normal behavior at all and I’ll always stand by that.

Trump was ballsy to bring up the transgenders in sports topic. Just imagine if he said that while in office of the presidency? Oh man, he would have been in even more trouble so now that he’s out of office, he’s free to say what he wants now so get ready.


Lefties are hypocritical losers when they advocate for “No Hate”… Ugggghhhh… I’m so tired of it all!!!

Just a short rant… I’m tired of lefties going off about advocating for “hate” is not welcomed to people. It’s getting so boring and tiresome.

Yes, hate toward blacks, asians, mexicans/hispanics, etc. is not cool toward people of color but…

… these are the same people who has really strong obsessive hatred toward conservatives. Hate is not welcome, hey? What about their obsessive hatred toward people who think Republicans/Right-wing like their never-ending hate toward Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, etc.

These are also the same people who hate on black conservatives like Sheriff David Clarke, Herman Cain, Diamond and Silk, Candace Owens and people such as those.

How that’s unity going for ya??? Hate not welcome in America but what about this country’s hatred for “conservativism”??? LMAO!!!

Ugggghhhhh… I’ll rant more about this later this week but make it short for now… until then…
